Ok so I've been using the serrapeptase and natokinase. I started the tea two times a day. It tastes nasty but hopefully it'll be worth it. I'm ovulating today so I have to stop the castor oil. I'll continue the serrapeptase and natokinase, as well as the tea twice a day. I'm gong to order one of the self fertility massage DVDs. Then next month, three days after my period, I plan on hitting it hard!

I will drink the tea mixture twice a day (more if I can choke it down)! Serrapeptase and natokinase twice a day as well. I'll be doing an herbal tampon made out of xi xian cao and yi mu cao every night. I'll start the castor oil back up and start performing self fertility massage.

If anyone has any other cost effective ideas, I'd love to hear them :)
elisha claar
8/18/2013 10:17:30 am

Do you have any updates? June was the last time you posted, I just wanted to see if anything worked for you..... Thx

9/4/2013 01:57:41 am


I was also wondering if this worked for you or if you noticed any changes? I went through IVF but on our first try we received a BFN. Very disappointing and hoping to clear my tubes before our 2nd attempt. Thanks!

10/31/2013 03:23:43 am

Hi.. do you have any updates please? Did the teas work?


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